All About the Color Blue
Color is a large part of interior decorating & design, so today we’re deep diving into the color blue. Find out all about this popular color, its psychological and physiological effects, which rooms to use it or avoid it in, our color wheel palette suggestions, and much more!

All About the Color Red
Color is a large part of interior decorating & design, so today we’re deep diving into the color red. Find out all about this passionate color, its psychological and physiological effects, which rooms to use it or avoid it in, our color wheel palette suggestions, and much more!

The Color Wheel: A Guide to Creating Your Dream Palette
Colors directly impact our moods, emotions, hunger, productivity, energy, and health. Naturally, they are extremely important to interior decorating and design, but people often struggle with developing color palettes.
We’re acknowledging that struggle with guidance on how to effectively use the color wheel. Read on to get started developing a desirable color palette for your space in no time!